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"Let 'em go, so they can grow!"

"57 inches, Caught at The Annual Larry Ramsell Fall Outing at Vermilion Dam Lodge"

a dandy 42" caught by Caiden Ramsell with grandfather/guide Larry Ramsell muskie fishing.

Muskellunge or "Muskie" is the top predator fish in freshwater. It's scientific name is Esox masquinongy. Closely related to the Northern Pike, or, scientific name Esox lucius.


Muskies are a very challenging fish to catch. Often being called the "fish of 10,000 casts". NOTHING but time on the water will catch a muskie! No amount of electronics, baits, nothing but time on the water patterning these fish will produce a catch. This fact needs to be understood upfront! Often people set out thinking they will catch a muskie right away! Some do, however, more often than not, you will at some point wonder why you are fishing for these elusive creatures at all! The best approach is to hire a reputable guide to greatly cut your learning curve! Ask lot's of questions but remember, keep that lure in the water!


To book my guide services click here.

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"a dandy 42" muskie caught in Wisconsin with grandfather/guide Larry Ramsell"

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