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Shabbona Lake Profile

Location: Shabbona Lake is located in Dekalb County approximately 2 miles south and 1 mile east of the city of Shabbona. Take US 30 east into Shabbona. Follow blue tourism signs at the west edge of Shabbona.

Description: Shabbona Lake was constructed in 1974 for recreational fishing. Shabbona Lake has 318 surface acres of water. The lake has an average depth of 17.5 feet deep and a max depth of 40 feet. The original river channel can still be found along with old road beds and standing timber creating a unique fishing experience.

Maximum Horsepower: 10

Additional Lake Information: A two-lane concrete boat ramp with car/trailer parking is available. Boat rentals are available from the bait shop. 2-pole and line fishing only.

Spring trap netting catch rates continued to be high at 8.6 fish per net night. The largest fish sampled in 2015 was a 46.3 inch female that weighed 28 pounds. The average size muskie from spring trap nets in 2015 was 35 inches and weighed 13 pounds. 1 Fish Daily creel Limit (48˝ Minimum Length Limit)

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