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Spreading Muskie Fever

Recently I took a friend on a muskie hunt. He had been catching Northern Pike in good numbers on a local lake. I inquired with very open ears, "any muskies"? He replied with a quick no! He seemed upset with the fact he hadn't seen or caught a muskie. I remember him asking me something along the lines of, you fish for muskies? I gave a slight chuckle and responded with "brother, you have no idea".

Later that evening after several messages back and forth via facebook, he asked if it would be ok to stop by and pick my brain about this elusive creature of the water. I obliged, always willing to share my passion for the mighty Esox with just about anyone who will listen. We discussed things such as, baits, "hot spots", area lakes with good numbers, things most for lack of a better word, "newbies" would want to know. I showed him some of my tackle, discussed different typical locations muskies like to hang out, and how to approach them. The conversation ended with me asking if he would like to join me on an upcoming muskie hunt. He responded with a yes, showing joy in his face like that of a child on Christmas! Think back to the first time you went muskie hunting, you know what I am talking about!

I picked a lake that had a good population of muskies, but nil in the way of "trophy fish". We hadn't been casting long when a nice muskie exploded from the water after my bait. From that moment, the fever began to spread to my friend, like the common cold. He shouted with joy, despite me making a classic rookie mistake by attempting a hook-set without "feeling" the fish. He was just happy to finally see a muskie. It wasn't long before he had that familiar sudden stop we all love while retrieving our lures. Could it be? A muskie? Finally! Although the master aquatic acrobat shook my friends hook, you could see the fever finally take complete control of him. He had finally understood what I had meant when I said "once you hook one, your life will change forever! You'll begin to eat, sleep, dream muskies"!

We finished the evening with assisting another angler with boating two muskies and raising several ourselves. Although he still hadn't made his first catch. I think he will be out again soon, rod in hand, camera close by for that magical moment that one never forgets. Their first muskie.

In closing, I am glad I was able to help a friend get started in his newly found pastime of hunting muskies. I am sorry that I gave you the fever, it is just that contagious. Good luck on your future muskie hunts, I hope you catch a big one.

Keep that lure in the water!

-Muskie Kid

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