Illinois Muskie Tournament Trail
Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Bob Taylor, Vice President of the Illinois Muskie Tournament Trail (IMTT). We discussed various things about the not for profit corporation, and some of the many great things they do for Muskies in Illinois, as well as other fish.
During our conversation it was brought to my attention that not only does the IMTT provide money to the Jake Wolf Memorial Hatchery. This is an awesome practice as most "clubs" only donate money to support their "target fish". These folks truly show a passion for all fisheries in the state and I hope they stick around for years to come!
The IMTT participates in the Illini Muskies Alliance and assists the Illinois Department of Natural Resources through the purchase of equipment and materials for the Jake Wolf Memorial Hatchery and the Fisheries Division.
A portion of the entry fees from each IMTT administered tournament are set aside for the fishery. These entry fees, along with membership dues and monies raised through other fundraising activities, are used to support and expand the fishery.
In my view, what a wonderful organization of dedicated people who care about Muskies, and other fish too. They understand the importance of a need to help all species of fish, and don't discriminate just because they are a "Muskie" organization. Mr. Taylor was very knowledgeable on the subject of Muskies, and showed great compassion in his voice when discussing the future of the fishery. You can just tell he truly cares.
I learned that the folks that head this organization aren't looking for fame or fortune, but do these many wonderful things for the love of the sport. Kudos to the fine folks over at the IMTT! Job well done! Even thought we have a lot of work ahead of us, with individuals as like minded as you, I see many great things coming from the IMTT for Illinois Muskies. Keep up the good work.
If you haven't done so, take a moment to check out their website and become a member of a great Illinois Muskie organization, maybe even enter and win a tournament. At minimum you'll meet some great folks, and be able to share tips & information with fellow "Muskie Nuts"!
Thank you IMTT for all that you have done, and are continuing to do. I hope to be able to help in any way I can.
For information on the Illinois Musky Tournament Trail, click here.
Keep that lure in the water!
-Muskie Kid