World Record Muskie- Coming Soon?
In recent years a lot of time has been spent by many looking into past muskie records. I'll leave the details of what transpired for you to read from my Grandfather's books "A Compendium of Muskie Angling History, Volumes I & II". The jist of it is that many of the former world records via certified weight were found to have been falsified. In an effort to help our sport and to give hope to today's muskie anglers a Modern Day Records Program was established. Some may say that the process to submit a record is exhausting. However, it is for good reason. If you carefully document and submit the required information (which can be found by clicking here) then little room, if any, is left to be the subject of scrutiny. Thus providing a verifiable record.
With a modern records program, and with catch & release finally bearing fruit from the seed that was planted not terribly distant in the past, are we due to see another world record soon? My answer is YES!!! Having received reports of many large muskies caught this year (including one of my own) I believe that without a doubt a new world record may be set during the 2017 season. The potential for the current Modern Day Record to be broken is, in my opinion, a high percentage chance. There is no doubt in my mind that a true giant is lurking out there somewhere, waiting to be subdued in a lucky anglers net.
Now where might this record be caught? There are many possible places. Each body of water that is known for recently producing fat bellied muskies has the potential for one to consume the right amount of forage to have the weight required to break the Modern Day Record. I STRONGLY recommend that you do everything possible to accurately document the catch and weigh the fish and are 100% sure that you have broken the record before you kill your fish should you happen to catch a potential record breaker. As it would be a shame to kill a giant muskie only to come up short.
As the muskie season is winding down (has already ended in a lot of places) I ask you to sit back and enjoy a good read about the history of our sport. This link will take you to where you can purchase copies of my grandfather's two volume set of "A Compendium of Muskie Angling History, 3rd Edition". In the mean time, since Illinois doesn't have a muskie season, and we still have open water, I will be on the trail of some fall fatties. Hopefully soon I will have an update with a nice Illinois Muskie in the bag!
Keep that lure in the water!
-Caiden "The Muskie Kid" Ramsell
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