Magic Baits...Catch big fish?
Ever wonder why the "hot" bait(s) are catching the biggest fish or the most fish? You want to catch the big/most fish too so you'll pay top dollar for that same or similar bait right?
Well, the reason that the hot baits are doing what they are doing is simply due to the fact that so many people are throwing them! If the bite is on, it could be from a wide variety of contributing factors. A likely reason is you found fish and found them during their "feeding window". Another could be that you have them patterned and can anticipate their movements. All of these factors added up with one lure will give you the results of a "magic bait".
When asked what my "magic bait" is, my response is simple. The one that I happen to be using that day. Each bait has different characteristics and triggering aspects, which is why a small variety is necessary. However, none of them are magic to catch fish all of the time. If the fish are in an aggressive feeding mood, I will burn buck-tails, the size depends on how the fish are reacting sometimes, downsizing is key! If the fish are lazily following baits in and not striking, a jerk bait like a Suick Thriller or other slow retrieval bait can be used.
Anyway, back to the "magic baits". If you have twenty people across the muskies range throwing the same type of bait and they are all producing fish. Is it the bait or something else? If you do the research you will likely find that there are more contributing factors to the catch rate than just the bait.
Now don't get me wrong, there are baits that have better triggering qualities than other. But that is based on factors such as noise, vibration, color patterns, flash, etc. An entire scientific research paper could probably be produced as to why muskies eat some baits more than others. What exactly is it about those baits that trigger them? Is it some form of a "trade secret" for that "magic bait"? Or is it simply that more muskies are presented the bait versus others? You decide.
Keep that lure in the water!
-Muskie Kid