Muskie, Pike, Tiger Muskie- What's the difference?
What is the difference between a Muskie and a Pike? What is a Tiger muskie? Knowing this information can help you in identifying the fish you've caught or seen. It can also help save fish as their size limit restrictions are usually greatly different. If you are targeting Northern Pike, you don't want to accidentally kill a Muskie.
The Muskellunge, scientific name Esox masquinongy, is the largest member of the Pike family, Esocidae. The Northern Pike, scientific name Esox lucius is commonly called Northern, or Pike.
They are members of the genus, Esox (the pike). Tiger Muskies (Esox masquinongy x lucius or Esox lucius x masquinongy) is a usually sterile hybrid offspring of the True Muskellunge and Northern Pike. They typically (like most hybrids) grow faster and stronger than the parent fish. They are also less susceptible to disease.
There are many ways to tell the difference between the three. Fin shape, colors, marking patterns, pores on the lower jaw. It can be quite confusing. In order to help you better understand the difference, I've provided a photo below (courtesy of Muskies, Inc.) to help show the similarities and differences between the three.
I hope this information helps on your next Muskie or Pike adventure! Please feel free to print a copy of this photo and keep it on hand for easy identification.
Keep that lure in the water!
-Muskie Kid