Release Tip

Okay, so you've caught your Muskie, unhooked, and taken your pictures, now you have it back in the water. It doesn't seem to be moving much, what should you do?
If the fish isn't moving, or moving very little, just give it some time. The fish just expended a lot of energy trying to free itself from your hook and is under stress. Hold them in position and let them get their bearings. They will swim away when they are ready.
Do NOT slide the fish back and forth. It breathes by passing water from it's mouth out the gills. It is supposed to be this direction. If you pull the fish toward you it's gills will open and water will enter from the back side and come out the mouth. You are essentially drowning the fish as it's gills aren't made to pass water in this direction for it to breathe.
It is important to pay attention to the direction of water flow on bodies of water with current. If you have the fish facing "down river" the current will force water through it's gills in the wrong direction. Please pay attention and use your best judgement to ensure the most stress free release on your Muskie.
I hope this tip helps and may a big one be on your line soon!
Keep that lure in the water!
-Muskie Kid