The Fall Transition
Fall is a magical time of year for most outdoor enthusiasts. A lot of great things happen during the fall. The hot weather from the summer is fading away, leaves are changing, hunting seasons are coming, and yes, BIG MUSKIES!!!
During the fall large female muskies begin to feed heavily for egg sack production. The draw back to this is in most situations the fish don't respond as well to fast moving baits (like burning buck-tails). The cooler water temps slow their metabolism so they don't have the "need to feed". There are exceptions to this as muskies are, well, muskies and more often than not, they don't read the script.
This time of year I like to slow down and throw a large profile bait like a Suick Thriller. This bait is one of the most productive lures ever designed! It perfectly mimics a dying bait fish, something predator fish are genetically programmed to hone in on. They simply can't resist it! Suick thrillers come in a wide variety of sizes and colors to fit your needs for nearly any situation. Click here to visit Suick's website and learn more about the thriller and the other awesome products they make!
Now one might ask, where and when should I put on a Suick Thriller and throw it? The answer is simple, anytime! These lures catch fish in all conditions. Neutral, negative, it doesn't matter. A wounded fish is an easy meal for a muskie hiding in the shadows.
Now the where. I typically will work this lure around known muskie hangouts. Weed beds, break lines, and where local bait fish are spawning. Cisco's are a great forage base during the fall if they are in your area. As always find the bait fish and the muskies won't be too far behind!
The best advice I can give is stick to the shallows and the typical hangouts until you figure out a noticeable pattern. Find the fish and stay on them. Remember as always to let the fish tell you what they want. However, more often in the fall the larger profile slow worked baits are a winner.
I hope that your fall is filled with fifty inchers!
Keep that lure in the water!
-Muskie Kid